What Are Helpful Plumbing Maintenance Tips?

Plumbing maintenance is one of the best investments you will make in your home. When the plumbing has problems your entire house comes to a halt. You can avoid many of these issues by simply staying on top of basic plumbing maintenance. In this quick guide, we will explain a few tips for plumbing maintenance tips that will really benefit your home.

Never Ignore Leaks and Clogs

We all know it is tempting to simply overlook a little leak here or try to get buy with a little clog there. When it comes to plumbing, anything that looks little today can become a big problem later on. Another thing to keep in mind is that when you address these small issues now, it is always far less expensive. Allowing plumbing issues to go unrepaired usually leads to bigger, more expensive issues down the road.

Opt For Non-Toxic Drain Cleaners

If you have a small clog and you want to flush it out using a solution, always opt for non-toxic options first. Many products on the market use harsh chemicals to eat through clogs, but you want to hold off on these options if you can. A non-toxic option would be to use a solution of baking soda and vinegar. If you catch the clog early enough, this method often works without flushing harsh chemicals into your septic system.

Remember Drains Are for Liquids

It is so important to have good habits when it comes to your drains. Remember, sink and tub drains are for liquids only. Toilets are for liquids, solid human waste, and septic tank friendly toilet tissue. One of the biggest contributors to plumbing and septic tank issues is solid objects going down drains. Never flush wipes, paper towels, q-tips, floss, feminine products, diapers, or anything solid and bulky down the toilet.

Do not allow food, grease, or other solid items to go down sink drains. Keep hair out of the drains as much as possible by using a drain catch.

Get Familiar With Your Garbage Disposal

If you have a garbage disposal, you need to be familiar with what should and should not go down it. Not everything can be chewed up. Generally, you should avoid putting egg shells, coffee grounds, grease, pasta or rice into a disposal.

Use the Right Tools

If you plan to do your own maintenance, be sure you are using the right tools. Every home needs a sturdy plunger, a plumber’s wrench, and a drain snake. You can handle many plumbing needs with these simple tools.

Know Your Shut-Off Valves

It is super important that you know where shut-off valves are located on your property. In the event that you have a major leak, the shut-off valve will need to be turned off to prevent flooding in your home. It is a good idea to locate this and have the information posted somewhere in the home for others to see as well.

Prepare for Winter

Winterizing your home can help to prevent many plumbing problems. Insulation around pipes under your home should be inspected and updated when needed. This will prevent pipes from freezing during the winter.

Have a Regular Plumbing Checkup With a Professional

Even if you feel pretty confident handling plumbing maintenance, it is always a good idea to have a regular plumbing checkup with a professional every two years. This is one way to really stay on top of any issues that could be developing.